So I have some questions that need to be answered.
I am on a quest to find answers to questions I've had concerning traditions man have made and things that we celebrate.
since when did New Year become a Day we celebrate in January? who made this a tradition? And how did this come to fruition?
Is Passover only for Israelites to celebrate? If you do not celebrate Passover, does that mean you are not an ally of Israel? For those who say we are aligned with Israel, I need for you to open your Bible and tell me if you really are in alignment with Israel.
Why do we celebrate man and cherish our supposed "leaders" instead of celebrating God as we do man?
What is the actual Sabbath day? Sunday or Saturday? What man made the change for us to celebrate the Lord and rest?
I have some thought provoking answers that may disrupt our ways of thinking and for some, may anger because we have been living a lie our entire lives.
Answers to come soon.
Until next time, LIVE, LOVE, LEARN
Well, the Julian calendar started with the Romans, and as the name suggests, Julius Caesar. January is from the god Janus that had two faces, one looking forward and the other back. Rome created January 1 as a day for Caesar to honor him and his creation of the new calendar. Many of the celebrations were pagan. Chinese celebrate a different new year, as do other cultures. Then there is the Gregorian calendar, which is the modern calendar created by the Catholic Church in the 1700's. The celebration of New Year's started as a feast of the circumcision of Christ. Many cultures, of course, do not celebrate that religious point of the new year. Over time, celebrations used to be in the spring (March) for the spring equinox.