We all start out in life as a seed. Some of us get plenty of water and sunlight and some of us get very little. The ones who survive have something built within their seed which gives them the drive to keep growing and grow their flowers to bear the fruit.
We have the choice to make ourselves into the person we want to be. It all starts with that little seed. It all starts with that inner determination to keep moving forward and flow with the air as we breathe.
It's easy to go with the flow but its even harder to go against the current. Only the strong minded will find their final destination becuase with moving forward comes change. There may be a shift in the wind or a chnage in the current but if you can make a way without the proper water and sunlight, you can adapt through any change in your life.
Change is always for the better even when it doesn't feel that way at the time. We go through life breathing day to day. Some of us not living but remain dormant in a life filled with air. Even I sometimes have a hard time with change as the Earth moves me into one direction, I stay focused on what the goal is and keep moving forward because life is not about how many times you fall, get pushed down or get moved,but it's about what you do when you are faced with change. Do you get back up and keep moving? or do you lay there crying in hopes that someone will pick you up or take your body where it belongs?
Before you try to change others, we must first change ourselves. If you want to grow in life, you must change. You morph into a flower that was once a seed
Until Next time.
LIVE, LOVE, LOVE-Lesson Learned
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