Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Never Give Up

It's easy to give up but it's harder to stay and fight for what you want.

I've made it my goal to keep moving forward with my life because giving up on life is not an option. Giving up on my dream of being a successful designer is not an option. The more you mend and nurture a project or yourself, the harder it is to abandon it and turn away.

Although, it is easy to give up, you reap no reward. as I tell my kids when we're cracking nuts, "if you don't crack, you don't get." If you don't put any work into whatever you do, there will be no reward. You can't expect to reap more than what you sow.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The War On Women's Rights

For so long women have had to fight for their right to vote and have a voice, not just in America but throughout the world. So I ask this question, Is there truly a war on women as we speak? I believe so.

Early this year (2012), Texas cut off preventative health care services to "130,000" low-income women which has lead to an increased movement of more Republican/Tea-Party supporting and lobbying for women's rights to be removed.  I say this in part of the past 2 years, as I have watched male friends and associates have meetings with governors and senators about the ideas they wanted to be changed and now here we are.  The war on women was a secret until this year and now politicians are using the government to force their ideas onto women.

From seeing planned parenthood being no longer funded due to offering abortions to reading about the Delhi school forcing young girls to take pregnancy tests if suspected of being pregnant, has escalated this movement against women. If these girls refused to take the pregnancy test or tested positive, they were booted out of this public school and forced to find another public school to attend or partake in home-school. I'm not sure how many laws this violates but I know of 2 that definitely violutes the law.

While anti-women politicians continue to force their ideas on women, we as women continue to hurt. Did you know that Politicians and pro-life supporters with organizations along with religious activists have partnered together to expand their attacks against women? I'm sure you have noticed how the Catholic religion has been an influential force in standing their ground in not wanting to provided preventative services for women in the workplace as well as women who are treated in their hospitals.

About a year ago, People For the American Way issued a report on the amount of antichoice bills recorded by newly elected state legislatures. In their attacks, they not only want abortion rights prohibited, but they are targeting preventative care as well as women's roles in the workplace and their power in the workplace.

In the past few years, women in the workforce have increased especially in higher roles/positions. Do you not think that these anti-woman radicals are not furious or jealous over women and their roles?
My personal opinion, They want to oppress us and have us with maybe 15-20 children and not being able to work or care for them or solely just depend on them(men) for a living. Now I'm not sure how many homeless women that would be if that's the case but I'm guessing that would over half the women working and non-working.

I guess this is the beginning of making the "New World Order" in rotation. If you don't know what that is, look it up. I'll outline some things here for you.

  1. First Look up "New World Order" and you'll see what it is and how many presidents we've had that has talked about making the world into one government of power.
  2. So we have a "Black President" right?- ACCOMPLISHED (that's their way to get us all on board) what other way can they get all the other people who never vote to vote, make the presidential nominee Black. No one even knew who Barack Obama was and how was it that he only served one term as a U.S. Senate prior to running fo president? (I AM NOT ANTI-OBAMA) I actually voted for him.
  3. Discredit women- ACCOMPLISHED (Look at what's on tv and how women are portrayed these days) aggressive fighters who don't care about anything but money
  4. Take away women's rights.-IN PROGRESS (Once you cripple the strong, you can take over and attack the weak.
  5. Establish an anti-christ campaign (most likely by foot and word of mouth)
  6. Use those in legislature to govern the "church"- IN PROGRESS (Have you noticed the growing number of preachers/pastors that are beginning to talk in church on who to vote for and how to vote? TOTAL CONTROL)
  7. Create more secret wars against "terrorist" countries, who most likely are not terrorist countries.- ALREADY DONE. Did you know that the military is set up in so many countries and along Russian borders just waiting for orders to penetrate the contries they want to invade or take control over.
  8. Create discrimination ad segregation amongst most ethnicities and let them kill themselves- ACCOMPLISHED
  9. Re-Elect President Obama- IN PROGRESS (most people don't get, the only way you win is by associating yourself with lobbyists and doing "favors" for others in government or "powerful" people or controllers of certain industries. Pass a bill here and I'll return the favor.)
  10. Proclaim that there will be one government on the world and only one order of power.

LIVE, LOVE, LEARN-and know who your friends are that are secretly against you!!!!